
Saturday, April 7, 2012

Team what? TeamPakyas!

Team what? wildcats?  naaaaaaaaah, so old school. bunch of singers,dancers and retards playing basketball. kidding, I love HSM. i mean the Vanessa Hudgens part only. Love the way she sings!

Alright, what is this post all about? Its about our team also on how we came to be. It is about my basketball life in Stella Maris. It is not about my team, It is OUR team.

I am a member of a team, and I rely on the team, I defer to it and sacrifice for it, because the team, not the individual, is the ultimate champion.
Yeah thats right.  So moving on. Basketball for many of you people out there would think that it is just a sport with 10 people on the court and being watched by millions on televisions but what people really know is that for us athletes, Our sport is more than just for the money,popularity and thrill. It is our life, We play cause we love the sport it is like what we have always wanted to do in our life. Play like there's no tomorrow and give your all that's how true players play.


Grade 6, It was our first time to be all together. namely

It was a good start for us, Coach Rafael Claveria helped us from the basics to learn teamwork. We won some games and proceeded to win the 3rd place at the Dacs tournament. It was a very big thing for us cause Smad was not winning until we arrived.

Highschool, Changes everything..

We all graduated from Elementary and started to tryout for the Cadet division in basketball. Some of my friends have grown drastically like kline, (height became 5"11 wtf)  Amazingly we were all picked again to play for the Cadet division it was a great honor for us to play there. We met new teammates who also became our good friends namely
Kiel Robles, Kiefer Manacap, Gerart Pamisa
They were good people they helped us learn new things and we became great team but unfortunately luck was not on our side we were losing games and there was nothing we could do.


This time, Things change for the better. At summer we played basketball rarely but it was not bad cause My friend/teammate dave found a new great coach. Then He called us and said if we want to win we should strive harder and give our all and that the missing ingredient was a Veteran Coach. that coach came to be our Best coach and the one we idolize he's name Coach Augusto Tata banzali. Former Player in Universtiy of Mindanao. Also one of the best point guards of his time.

So First of all, Our practice's were harder than ever before it pushed us to our limit made us like robot's like go go go even though we dont have the strength but still our heart doesn't stop it wants us to become better and with Coach's inspiring words to us. We never backed down and continued to train ourselves to the limit.
Practice makes perfect


It was September, Games on the Gs cup are starting. We played our hearts out and we didnt mind the score. We played like it was our last. Like our training we played with everything. We gave what we have. Stamina isnt a problem for us cause we got a great team on which we can count on everyone. We won those games with 10+ score against our enemies it was fun winning and it changed our views in basketball. After those hard struggles we got a trophy.

Trophy baby

Our third year was a tough year for us. New teammates and some we already know. It made our team stronger and luckily three of my teammates made it to manila on the Jr Nba selection. Namely Kline,Dave,Earl. though kline got the honor in the allstar team to be sent to china. That was great honor. Coming back to davao we became a stronger team. Again Grabbing two more cups.

team what? team pakyas


4th year, Our time to graduate but that didn't made our basketball life less exciting. This year was the best for all of us. It was our time to give our all. Its our last year. Every game we played, We never gave up. We always have that fight in us. We deserve to win, but sad to say some games are not meant for us.

The will to win

Sadly we lost to assumption in the Dacs sportsfest. It was our chance to prove ourselves that we can earn a championship. This year our target was a Champion ship but sadly we lost but our goal to have a championship is attained when we played in the Chinese sportsfest and became champions there.

gold medal baby

That went well. But the most memorable game in my basketball life was our last game together.
It was against the best team in Davao. The Holy Child school of davao. We were ready. We wanted to win this game. We gave our all but sadly it wasnt meant for us. We came close as to we lead by 2points and then destiny intervened. Following the last moments to win the game The ball just went out of the ring. It was a devastating lost for us. For we came so close but yet it was not for us. Some shed tears, Some Shouted out of anger and of disappointment. But One thing is for sure.

no fear, shot like its the last shot

Ready set and match

Our parents were so proud of us on what we gave every minute in that court. We wanted to win. We know we can win but then it was not for us. After that sad game. We are still the team to be reckoned with. We are strong as a team and also as individuals. Right now college we are parting ways but

                                 THE BROTHERHOOD REMAINS

team pakyas!


Friday, April 6, 2012

Gamers for Gamers

Until he was hit by an arrow on the knee

Familiar? of course it sounds familiar it is used by korny adiks of skyrim in 9gag!  never heard of 9gag? just add .com and see for yourself.
Look at that kids face, Bullshit isnt it?

Gamers for Gamers, Nice title isnt it? If you think this is just for gamers then shake your head back and forth cause your thinking it wrong!

To tell you the Truth, I myself can say that im no real gamer but just a part time gamer. *you know, playing just to play and to know what the game is about and never really finishing the game unless its a BATMAN RELATED GAME. kidding i also finished games which gets my interest like Call of duty,Naruto,Dragonball but hell i dont like to play skyrim its fvckng boring and why does people say its fvckng addicting?

Yeah, im mature!

 But I gotta admit playing games can still be fun even though im at first year college! From my Childhood game of Pokemon to the adventure game of Batman Arkham city. Games never get old, Gamers do.

Many people complain when playing a game on normal mode that it is hard *stupid why no choose easy?* but then again who am i to judge you on how you want to play your game, Most kids tend to give up playing when they dont know where to go or how to proceed to the next level. This is what typical kids who just play for fun. While Gamers on the other hand, play for hours just to get pass a level on which are making them crazy! These never give up trait is good and also make them clever. But still addiction to these games are bad for the health. Remember too much of anything is bad. Back on the topic at hand, Games can sometimes be fun or frustrating. It depends on how you play and interpret your game. If you are a casual player who play's just for kicks then you dont deserve to be called a gamer but just somebody who plays. Just like me!

When i was still a Kid i played Pokemon yellow and crystal on my Gameboy then at my birthday i received Pokemon Fire red, and at my Brother's birthday he received pokemon ruby, All of those games we finished and we had fun. then it was so unfortunate that pokemon games were going with the Nintendo Ds. We never got that Handheld cause we already have a psp which was given to us by our tita in japan. So we settled on something small, Hacking the psp to put there the gameboy emulator and play pokemon there, and you know what. IT WORKED LIKE A CHARM. Then my little sister started playing it cause we had no time in playing. We were growing up. But i know i was old enough in playing gameboys so started to look unto another gaming console, psone was bought to me by my mom then two years later the ps2 i had so much fun on my sony consoles that all my cousin will always go to our house just to play and of course we all had fun there.

On my 14th birthday I received my Xbox 360. I really wished for this you know why? alright imma tell you.


 that was the only reason i wanted that console, i was so fortunate that my Dad bought me that console and there after some months, i was so curious and tried to tinker with it. I opened the xbox 360 and searched on the internet how to make it modified *even though it is already modified* there were some upgrades to be made. so i learned how to flash it and play some new games until batman arkham asylum came....

aint this a beauty :">

I quickly downloaded it when i first saw it in the internet then i was set to play..
I was so fascinated that the game was so incredibly good and it really gives you a true batman experience for the first time i felt like a Gamer! I played until i finished the story. Btw the story was epic! then i proceed to collect all collectables! then finished the game in easy,normal,hard i minded how tiring it was. i never felt tired, i never felt like it was time for me to stop until i finished everything. FOR THE FIRST TIME 50/50 ACHIEVEMNTS 100% EASY MEDIUM HARD that was a gamers life i felt it. and you know what. BATMAN ARKHAM ASYLUM THEN BECAME THE GAME OF THE YEAR! its a huge honor to win such award! i am so proud to be one of the people who finished that game. but after a year.. a sequel came..

Darker than ever before

The best game has arrived again. Arkham city is one of the best games ever made, it competed against skyrim for the award of game of the year but lost...


So even though it lost it was still one of the best games. Flying through the city gave the ultimate batman experience and swooping down and tackling the inmates was the best. also the story was perfect. It made all people wonder what happened.

awesome is awesome

So yeah, It really depends on what game you want which can give you the gamer experience


SO to wrap things up...
really? how about i kill you know?

nah kidding :) enjoy your gaming life and remember give time to your girlfriends or something bad will happen..


Tech on the move


What comes out from your mind when you here technology? iphone?ipod?cellphone?xbox?playstation?laptops?

Yeah if your thinking like that then your thinking right! But what really is technology?

According to a reliable source,
wikipedia *cough
Technology is the making, usage, and knowledge of tools, machines, techniques, crafts, systems or methods of organization in order to solve a problem or perform a specific function. It can also refer to the collection of such tools, machinery, and procedures. Technologies significantly affect human as well as other animal species' ability to control and adapt to their natural environments.

Frankly i'd say its a too geeky explanation. How about you put it like this.
Without Technology, the world will take years to become fully developed
Am i right? or am i correct? either way, we all have our own opinions so basically there is no right or wrong.

Now let me take you up to speed, by showing you the latest trend in Technology

  •  Iphone
  • Mac(still a computer, just branded by apple)
  • PC
  • Laptop
  • Ultrabook
  • Tablet pc
  • gaming consoles(ps3,xbox360)
  • gaming handheld
  • Cellphones

So basically we can say that we need this in our life right? but this things as we all know are expensive. This are not really what we call technology. There are what we call the product of technology. You get it? From these gadgets there are what we call, components for example, On a Pc. You have a monitor,mouse,keyboard and Cpu. The Cpu now is not just One thing it is composed of  again what we call parts, or say computer parts namely. 

  • Motherboard or MoBo
  • Graphics card or Gpu
  • Processor or Cpu
  • Power Supply
  • Ram
  • Case
  • Dvd/bluray or optical drive
  • Harddrive
A pc cant be called a pc if it does not have the parts listed above, Each part listed above have its own function. Alright for example, the Motherboard. The motherboard is the central board. Here we put everything from ram,cpu,gpu. So without it there would be no place we can assemble our pc! 

Like i said, Each has a corresponding function. For Example. The Gpu or should we say the graphics card is responsible in Determining if it can Play the Graphic demanding games. Pc games always depend on the Gpu of the Pc. You would be now wondering what does the Cpu does? Cpu does the calculations needed to be done. It determines How was your Computer can go or how fast it can comprehend what you throw at it. Now, The Ram should we say, Random access memory. It is the Memory on which some data is being processed Many people think that Higher ram means your pc is much good. THINK AGAIN. THE ANSWER IS NO. Games depends on the graphics card and the ram is only the memory on which data can be read there. Also the Hard drive this is where data is stored. Now in the modern times, Hard drive can reach upto 1.5gb or 3gb but there are much more bigger capacity these are just examples. 

Cool that shitdown with liquid nitrogen

Moving on...

Back to the topic at hand, Technology is money for some people, For companies like Intel, Amd, Apple, Sony, Nvdia and etc These companies are do there best to research about getting us new products. In doing so They increase there knowledge by Researching on how to Upgrade there current technology. Right now, Technology isn't made from nothing but it is now Innovated from the past technology, (who says we cant learn from our past) so right now many more gadgets are being developed with the use of technology. All technology based companies try to there best to make the other look inferior right now just like what intel is doing. Processors made Amd are now match for the intel i7 series and if ever Amd will lose they might quit the market and a Processor monopoly might happen on which intel can dictate what price they want for they are the sole company making chips like that. but nonetheless it'll never happen. Amd got ahead in the Laptop   department. while intel is focusing on making there chips fast and small.


Recognize this?

Tablet pc, powered by andriod


Xbox 360

Playstation Vita

These are the few of what we call, gaming consoles tablets may not count but still it has games.
Some people might think these are the best gaming console out there but what they dont know, xbox 720 and ps4 are in the works already. Technology will replace and always will be ahead of us that makes our economy moving. Even Ipad 3 is going out and Iphone 5 is in the development are have you heard about the 41 megapixel cellphone? then you have a lot of catching up to do! but know this. Technology is always 3 steps ahead of us! and its better off like that.

Read here about the ps4 and xbox 360 click This

So technically without this things we wont be as much as productive right now. Technology is not a gift from God it is us who have thought of this. God provided us with a brain. We should use it to make our place fun 
to live in.

Here are some changes in technology in the past decade...

Internet for All – Ten years ago many offices in need of dedicated Internet resources or wide area networks were dependent on expensive leased lines or slightly cheaper ISDN (integrated services digital network) lines. Broadband Internet was not widely available and was often quite restricted by Internet service providers (or ISPs). After a couple of years, however, broadband technology rapidly began to replace dial-up connections and leased lines in the home and office

Free Phone Calls – Over the past 10 years, these same cheap and fast Internet connections, along with a technology called VOIP (voice over Internet protocol), have emerged to all but destroy the old way in which telephone calls are placed. Using the Internet to make phone calls has become by far the cheapest way to talk to others around the world

Free Software – The past decade has seen the rise of the free software movement, with software made absolutely for free and in the name of freedom. From Web servers running Linux and Apache to free office software such as Open Office and Star Office, there is no doubt that the free software movement has helped to change the world and the way we do business.

Sharing Media – There are generally two ways of transferring information between users: either over a network of some kind or on some sort of physical, portable media such as a disk. Ten years ago, CDs and floppy disks were the most readily available types of removable media, and the fastest corporate LANs (or local area networks) operated at between 10 and 100 megabits per second. Transferring very large files over the Internet was something only done by those with expensive, high-speed Internet connections. Things have changed a lot. Writeable DVDs became just as cheap as CDs, floppy disks have become almost extinct and everybody has a large-capacity USB thumb drive kicking around. Very small, portable hard disks are now a dime a dozen and can store the same amount of data, if not more, than a decade-old file server which would have cost a small fortune.

The Demise of Regular TV – Over the last decade TV has also gone through some serious changes. First, the birth of TV on demand: cable and satellite TV networks now offer an assortment of programs that you can watch at the click of a button without waiting for a rerun. Services like YouTube, Vimeo and Dailymotion have made it possible for everyone to have 15 minutes of fame,

Social Networks – The last five years have seen the rise of the social network. This phenomenon takes elements of the old Geocities personal home page discussion forums, blogs and the sophisticated profiling elements of dating sites, mashes them together and produces a place where people can advertise their social lives, reconnect with friends and organise events. Social networking has rapidly become an undeniable part of everyday life, and you will be hard pressed to find someone who doesn’t have a Facebook account. Even my dad has one!

Here's a quick look of how technology Looked like in the past.. A little blast to the past wouldn't hurt

1962 -Computer Mouse

1969 -Automated Teller Machine

1973 -Cellphone

1979 -Sony Walkman


1973 -MRI

1978 -GPS 



You don't recognize this things don't you? How about this one at the bottom? YES?

Technology is power

Right now the World is changing fast and we need to keep up but not by buying but by knowing what new stuff are there. In not saying that you should always check it out what i mean is that i wouldn't hurt to know what happening around you doesn't it? So with this little knowledge i have shared i hope you all are gonna widen your minds and think that our future will be cooler!

oh, my buildings. lovely.

The Most dangerous man on earth

(i dedicate this to my fellow batbro robert te)

Batman, Caped crusader, The Dark knight, 
For starters, Batman is a fictional character, a comic book superhero co-created by artist Bob Kane and writer Bill Finger and published by DC Comics

So moving on, This is my second post in my blog, This would be a character study on Batman, Many people think that batman is just a guy who wears a mask and dresses like a flying rat at night to scare people who commit crime.. In a way yes you could say that, but It is not just like that. Lets go deeper about batman shall we..

Alright, basic facts to help you relate on what shit im talking about here.

Real name: Bruce Wayne

1. Genius-level intelligence
2. Master detective
3. Master escapologist
4. Peak human physical condition
5. Master martial artist
6. Access to high tech equipment


§ Bruce's birthday is February 19th
§ Batman does not drink alcohol
§ Batman's online screenname is JonDoe297
§ has listed Bruce Wayne as #8 on its list of fifteen wealthiest fictional characters, with a net worth of U.S 6.5 Billion
§ Batman will not kill because it would make him no better than the criminals he defeats. For the Joker in particular he has come to terms with the fact that the Joker doesn't deserve death but deserves to suffer for the crimes he's committed and death would be an "act of mercy".

I know everybody are waiting to know about Batman's famous gadget. He's utility belt. so here it is..

gadets and all

§ Infrared flashlight

§ Infrared ordnance

§ Smoke capsules

§ Fingerprint analysis kit

§ Forensic analysis kit

§ First aid kit

§ Lockpicking tools

§ Kryptonite ring

§ Tear gas pellets

§ Micro-processor power source

§ Micro-recorder (updated regularly)

§ Batline spool + grappling gun

§ Miniature Laser torch

§ Bat-shaped handcuffs

§ Various incendiary capsules (including plastique and thermite)

§ Rebreather and gas mask

§ Tracker

§ Cryo capsule

§ Sedatives

§ Toxin illusion of death

§ Mini explosives

§ Light Grenades

§ Anti fire foam

§ Grenades iron filings

§ Silver nitrate

§ Ultrasonic transmitter (to attract bats)


Also i know you people are wondering how Batman get around the city so here are some of his method's of transportation


The Batmobile is Batman's automobile and primary mode of transportation. It has appeared in almost every Batman iteration, including comics, movies, and television

shit can fly!


The Batcycle is the motorcycle counterpart to the Batmobile. TheBatcycle is the personal motorcycle of Batman. In the comic book universe, Batman's personal Batcycle is a modified street-bike with a 786 cc liquid-cooled V-4 engine. It contains a computer-controlled carburetor and bulletproof wind-guard.
Coolest bike to date


The Batplane is Batman's personal aircraft. He sometimes travels with it as an alternative to the Batmobile.

Mach 3 top speed


The Batboat is Batman's personal watercraft. At times the Dark Knight has to take to the waters. Using a Catamaran type boat, the Batboat can reach speeds of up to 120mph standard.

Can go underwater babyy


Batman, in most of his incarnations, is a dark and grim hero with a personal vendetta against criminals. Traumatized by the death of his parents, Batman has sworn to rid Gotham from the criminal elements that took his parents from him. He is very paranoid and obsessive, which often makes it difficult for him to trust people other than Alfred, the Robins or the Batgirls.

Despite this, Batman has proved to have a great love for humanity, which was instilled by his parents. His father was a doctor, while his mother was a crusader against child abuse. Indeed, Batman's oath of vengeance is tempered with the greater ideal of justice. He refrains from killing, as he feels this would not make him any better than the criminals he fights.

To protect his secret identity, Batman has constructed a fake persona he can use in his civilian identity. To the world at large, Bruce Wayne is a self-absorbed, irresponsible playboy and philanthropist. Only his closest allies know that this attitude is just an act.

Quest to know the dark knight...

Again,BATMAN HAS NO SPECIAL POWERS INSTEAD Batman character relies on "his own scientific knowledge, detective skills, and athletic prowess.

Dodge does bullets! you aint bulletproof you know

Alright done with the facts, lets go on with the story. Batman or should we say Bruce haven't become a kid at 8 years old. A awful event happened that shaped the path of batman. After watching His favorite movie "the masked of Zorro" while going home, They ran to a mugger and wanted to steal from them but he's father tried to protect them but ended up dead and also her mother was gunned down both died infront of the young Bruce. After that the mugger named Joe Chill had played a large role in the creation of batman. Fallen to depression young Bruce was lonely and ended up at the care of there family butler Alfred Pennyworth. Alfred became a father figure for young Bruce in his early life. Reaching the age of 10 Bruce excels at school at graduated college in an early age studied criminology,applied physics, medicine and many more. Through his younger years Bruce traveled around the world to become a man who will be powerful enough that can stop the crimes happening in his city, Gotham city. Training under the best. Almost 24 years of age, Returning to Gotham he tried to stop crime on his own but failed. He was not yet ready inspite of every training he has done He then realize criminals are superstitious and cowardly lot. so he decided to dress like a bat. Many people ask this..

Why of all animals he chose a bat?.. simple! When batman was still a child, He is scared of bats. Having conquered his own fear. He is know ready 

 To scare criminals and other people. Fear is one of batman's asset. It is the most important thing on his crime fighting. But then begs the question.. What happens to those who dont fear him? From the likes of super powered beings and aliens but how does really batman do it to make him successful hero.

1v100, Batman is trained to take down 500  

Now the fun part..   every hero needs a super villain or what we call arch nemesis right? so i now introduce you the joker folks! I know you've heard of him, that green haired grinning gargoyle yeah with that chalk white skin and Glasgow smile! He is batman's Exact opposite! like a yin and yang sort of thing. Without batman, there would be no joker. but joker is just out there cause he maintains what he calls there balance of good and evil but joker had killed some of batman's friends and crippled some too Batman will never kill joker for the (read the facts stated above for the reason) the joker has also given up on some occasions on which he can possibly kill batman. Here are a few examples..

  • In "The Clown at Midnight" (featured in Batman #663), the Joker states to Batman, "You can't kill me without becoming like me. I can't kill you without losing the only human being who can keep up with me. Isn't it ironic?!" The Joker says later, "I could never kill you. Where would the act be without my straight man?"
  • In "Going Sane" (featured in Legends of the Dark Knight # 65-68), the Joker lures Batman into a trap that he believes kills his arch nemesis. Batman's apparent death snaps the Joker back to sanity and prompts him to undergo plastic surgery in order to look like a normal human being. The Joker attempts to lead a normal, honest life, donning the name Joseph Kerr (a pun on his criminal moniker) and engaging in a small romance with a neighbor. Normality does not last for the Joker, however, as he later discovers Batman to be alive, which drives him to insanity. The Joker then mutilates himself in order to restore his trademark white skin, green hair, and crimson lips, and resumes his quest to destroy Batman.
  • In another issue, the Joker threatens to kill crime boss Rupert Thorne if he uncovers Batman's secret identity. Thorne has Hugo Strange discover Batman's identity, but, when Strange refuses to tell him who Batman is, has him killed. The Joker, who is also bidding for Batman's identity alongside The Penguin, tells Thorne he was lucky Strange took whatever secrets he held with him to the grave; he explains that he is destined to defeat Batman in a manner worthy of his criminal reputation, and that no one else has the right.
  • In Emperor Joker, although the Joker uses his new god-like powers to torture Batman to death night after night, he still cannot erase his foe from existence. Superman states that this is because the Joker totally defines himself by his opposition to the Dark Knight, and how the Joker lives in Batman's world rather than Batman living in the Joker's.
  • In the movie Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker, Terry McGinnis, the successor to the mantle of Dark Knight, says to the Joker that the only real reason he keeps coming back is because he never got a laugh out of the original Batman.
  • In the film The Dark Knight, after his apparent defeat, the Joker remarks that Batman "won't kill me out of some misplaced sense of self-righteousness, and I won't kill you, because you're just too much fun. I think you and I are destined to do this forever."
  • In Batman: The Dark Knight Returns, a catatonic Joker becomes animated only after seeing a police report that Batman has returned to action, setting in motion a final confrontation where the Joker breaks his own neck to frame Batman for murder.
  • In "The Laughing Bat" (Featured in "The Batman" season 2 episode 4), Joker remarks that "the batman needs a Joker. Someone who gives him purpose", afterwards referring to Batman as his "old friend".
  • In Batman Cacophony Joker (temporarily sane) tells Batman he wants to kill him. He explains that if he kills Batman he will surrender to the police and give up crime. Batman later tells Alfred The clown won't stop until one of us is dead. Joker states to Batman I don't hate you because I'm crazy. I'm crazy because I hate you

4 incarnations of joker

For me, It is his will. To never back out in any fight. Even if he is challenged by superman it doesn't matter. Batman is prepared for anything and everything. That is what make's him the successful hero he is. Batman, believe it or not can Take down the whole justice league if he has to.

Oh wait, He just did 

Even superman admits that batman maybe is superior to him but still he's a man of steel and batman is still just a man but superman had this to say

Sometimes, I admit, I think of Bruce as a man in a costume. Then, with some gadget from his utility belt, he reminds me that he has an extraordinarily inventive mind. And how lucky I am to be able to call on him

take that! super-what now

Like we all know, batman aint that strong, cause at one point all Human are gonna die but batman faced death itself and lived again.

Im a ballerina

Batman is trained to he's physical limit, Batman has been challenge by many people from strong organizations to super powered beings. What makes him my Idol is that He have nothing but himself to rely on but still come's victorious. It just goes to show that we all can be a great person if we believe and trust in ourselves that we can do it. We just have to train ourselves to what we want to do and strive hard to achieve what we want to achieve and thats the secret to Batman's success

And here i am, with im suit on and without my mask, damn

So with all of this being written and done, i hope i have convinced some of you people in reading this or i had reignited your interest in this comic character.. to try out in reading the batman comics

I took the liberty of uploading one, Here is a sample of batman comics the new one if your interested just download it Click THIS

Wonderfriend :)

The best girl friend you'll ever want

First of all, This is my first Blog. (i'll apologize ahead if you'll spot some wrong grammar or spelling, i aint that good in English)

To start things off, I'd like to tell you this story about the first time i met this Girl who was so unknown to me but later had turned to become a special girl in my life. She have become one of my close friends maybe the closest friend that i have. Her name is Mikaela Ayrah Gaw. so this is our story on how we became each other's friends and becoming special to each other to the point that we trust each other entirely and is the one person i can say that i can trust and depend on.

yeah that her folks, my cute fat wonderfriend :)) 

Knowing each other..

It'll started summer 2011, i never really knew mika (or should i say wf) but i know her just by the name cause she was like famous around other boys around my batch or the upper levels. I really did not care who she was or if she really is that pretty. On that summer i had there friends from other the other school namely Peach,Justin,Nicole,juli-an they were close friends of mika and also they are my close friends cause all of them are in the same village that i am. So there was this time that Mika's picture got 100+ likes on facebook. I was shock to see that at the timeline her picture so innocent that even i can say that (wtf bket yan glike d man nagpa gwpa gne) But as i clicked the picture i was amazed i was shocked to that she looked cute like what all the rumors that i have heard. So i immediately texted my friends which was the 4 people i mentioned above. Then i asked for her number cause at first i was interested to make friends with her and i was curious that my Dad knows her dad so i want to have some time to asked her questions and to get to know her better. But then my friends told me that She has a boyfriend and that i wouldn't have success if ever i would court her. In my mind i really never thought of courting her but just to have her as a friend. After sometime i finally got her number and i texted her. i first said "hey" She replied to me "who's this" i told her my name and as i expected she didn't know me but what i really didn't expect is that she would really be that friendly. Cause in my experience I've know many pretty girls who look to high of themselves and are what we call "maldita" or mean. They tend to ignore people who tries to befriend them but Mika she's different she does not belittle people for what there status in life is and this is all just the beginning

Moving on...

We texted occasionally cause that time She has a boyfriend and i respect that. Also i just asked somethings about her which i wanted to know and she was open to me and after my questions we end our texting..
In the following months to come (i cant remember clearly on what month was that really) Maybe it was april. We texted and i noticed she was texting without interest (i mean walang gana) so i asked her what happened   and learned that something terrible happened to their relationship so there i was trying to comfort her telling everything is all gonna be alright then i told her to call me so that it'll be easier for her to tell me everything. That was the moment that I first gained her trust she told me of what happened, I can really tell that She loved that boy cause she was crying. I told her that all this things come for us to become more stronger. It is just a test So after our little chat she ended the call to settle things right and she was happy after that she appreciated what i have told her. In the recent months to come it was June school time has come. Me, also had a girlfriend but we were shaky, we always quarrel about little things when i needed somebody i can tell what i was going through it was here who was there to listen. Out of nowhere i called her and i took awhile for her to pick up the phone but nonetheless she was there for me. I told her what happened and she told me things that have made me feel better and from that we became close friends having each other when we need someone to talk to. After those moments we texted often joking almost everytime and teased each other and at one point i called her my bestfriend and she told me its "korny" then i remember something much korny (i saw it on tv) the superfriends which was all superheroes and i remember that i glad to have a wonderful friend like her and called her my wonderfriend even it was that korny she agreed.

Becoming true Wonderfriends...

After some months, we never really have communicated but still we were close friends. For me, college is coming i went to Addu to take the entrance exam and on december i went back to get my result but getting my result was not just my purpose in going there. I texted wf before i went there. (like i said it was months we had never communicated) it was a time to do some catching up. There, At Ateneo college she also had no class so it was the perfect time to go there it was 2pm. I arrived there and waited for her to meet me in the admissions office where i was going to get my result, My result took awhile for me to get it caused they were still finding it so we took the time to catch up, She was open to me as i am with her. I was shocked that time to know that she was single but i wasnt interested at her in my mind i was thinking (this is my chance, but she is my wonderfriend and i am happy to be the guy who is always there when she needs one to comfort her and the one which she can tell anything and everything about) i was having fun telling her all things that happened in my life and she never judged me for what i was doing and she simply tells me not to do that again (sweet aint she, awwe) so that time when my name was called, i let her be the one to open my result and to my surprise she said i was under probation! (i was like wtf!) then she smiled and laughed and said "joke lang uy pasa ka, uyy pasa daw" i was happy to hear that and we together laugh cause my reaction at first was like (you dont say..) at 3:10 we were still there waiting for her service to come and fetch her and me i stood beside her and waited with her together until her service came.

Just look at that kilig moment right there

Wonderfriends foooor life!

fatass! yeah, i call her that a lot. Here is a breakdown on who mika really is for me.
-and the best trait i like about her is that she never judges people for what they do :)
-and lastly fat :))
Eat lang wf, dont be shy :))

just kidding about the fat tease :))

Even though dont really meet always (we just been together thrice) well it was all memorable though!
First time would be, that time in Addu when we were having a bonding (chikka minute) 

Second time would be, at the emcor gym! oh boy that was fun! i'd like to share this with you people. I was there just to see my school (smad) and my cousin Angel in there cheerdance competition it was a fun and entertaining dance face off. wf was also there to watch her fellow schoolmates (sakya)(dchs) after the dance, i texted her to stay there and we could have a little chat but unfortunately she was with her little brother and father but they still stayed cause her little brother wanted to watch a basketball gaming that was coming up next. so they sat at the front part at the back of the ring there where a block which can people can seat. I was searching for mika and suddenly i saw her and began to go closer to her i was so dumb, i didnt read her text that She was with her dad, (yeah, Dafuq i do) but that didnt stop me, i sat besider her while her lil bro and dad also was at the other side. We talked but not really talk talk, cause we were laughing cause of the fact that her dad and bro is beside us and she think i was really stupid coming there but my doing wasnt really that bad, I chatted to her little bro since i am also a basketball player and his brother is interested in basketball we both have something to talk about i was joking around i told his brother i am gonna give him my shoes (kids really believe what you say) Also her cousin arrived, Issa sy. I know issa cause she is my schoolmate then Wf's father started paying attention to me and i was like (omg i am so going to get it) but i turned out fine her father laughed about my jokes and his lil bro was having a fun time talking to me so eventually it all turned up fine.

Third time This time we participated in a funrun! I woke up at 3am because wf called me on my phone it was like an fvckng alarm but then she said i should get ready and go there already at davao christian (that was the meeting place and starting point) by that time we were texting where to meet up but unfortunately she was with her mother and we had a hard timing finding a way to see each other but luck comes around when her mother was a 10k participant (yeah we entered 5k, zzz) after that her cousin arrived, issa was with us and we started talking about things until 5pm it started at first we ran but then wf shoelace got untied so we three stopped and waited for her then again we ran and as expected wf started to walk we were teasing her that she is soo slooooooww and got no energy to run even for 5meters straight :)) we reached mcdo bajada wf still gasping for air wanted to go to mcdo then i told her we will go to mcdo when i reach the turning point she agreed and then we tried to run again but wf oxygen wont allow. we started walking and there was water on pitstops wf got one and suddenly sprayed us with that ice water! we looked like kids out there in the fun run, we throwed and sprayed the ice water to the three of us. (i was so like, omg people are starring at us, this should stop) but nooo, it was fun. still running not to get wet, we didnt realize that we were the last persons in the 5k run and we arrived at the turning point (atlast!) after that continued our Water fight, We really had fun that time and we were almost back, we reached mcdo again an d it was so generous of me to buy them burgers (actually i bought 2 and they both shared on 1 burger while the other is mine) after that, i was like wtf why did we eat mcdo, pitstop? pitstop? :)) HAHAH but that was fun though you'll never see someone who is participating in a funrun and suddenly takes a detour to eat at mcdo. so after that we finished the run and parted ways.

Remember that lil bro i told you about? thats him, and there's that
loving sister which is also my wonderfriend

As i conclude this article i wrote, i can proudly say that i am lucky to have a Close friend on which i can tell anything and everything. Thank you for everything wf! keep smiling and keeping eating for you really are a true WonderFriend :)