
Friday, April 6, 2012

Wonderfriend :)

The best girl friend you'll ever want

First of all, This is my first Blog. (i'll apologize ahead if you'll spot some wrong grammar or spelling, i aint that good in English)

To start things off, I'd like to tell you this story about the first time i met this Girl who was so unknown to me but later had turned to become a special girl in my life. She have become one of my close friends maybe the closest friend that i have. Her name is Mikaela Ayrah Gaw. so this is our story on how we became each other's friends and becoming special to each other to the point that we trust each other entirely and is the one person i can say that i can trust and depend on.

yeah that her folks, my cute fat wonderfriend :)) 

Knowing each other..

It'll started summer 2011, i never really knew mika (or should i say wf) but i know her just by the name cause she was like famous around other boys around my batch or the upper levels. I really did not care who she was or if she really is that pretty. On that summer i had there friends from other the other school namely Peach,Justin,Nicole,juli-an they were close friends of mika and also they are my close friends cause all of them are in the same village that i am. So there was this time that Mika's picture got 100+ likes on facebook. I was shock to see that at the timeline her picture so innocent that even i can say that (wtf bket yan glike d man nagpa gwpa gne) But as i clicked the picture i was amazed i was shocked to that she looked cute like what all the rumors that i have heard. So i immediately texted my friends which was the 4 people i mentioned above. Then i asked for her number cause at first i was interested to make friends with her and i was curious that my Dad knows her dad so i want to have some time to asked her questions and to get to know her better. But then my friends told me that She has a boyfriend and that i wouldn't have success if ever i would court her. In my mind i really never thought of courting her but just to have her as a friend. After sometime i finally got her number and i texted her. i first said "hey" She replied to me "who's this" i told her my name and as i expected she didn't know me but what i really didn't expect is that she would really be that friendly. Cause in my experience I've know many pretty girls who look to high of themselves and are what we call "maldita" or mean. They tend to ignore people who tries to befriend them but Mika she's different she does not belittle people for what there status in life is and this is all just the beginning

Moving on...

We texted occasionally cause that time She has a boyfriend and i respect that. Also i just asked somethings about her which i wanted to know and she was open to me and after my questions we end our texting..
In the following months to come (i cant remember clearly on what month was that really) Maybe it was april. We texted and i noticed she was texting without interest (i mean walang gana) so i asked her what happened   and learned that something terrible happened to their relationship so there i was trying to comfort her telling everything is all gonna be alright then i told her to call me so that it'll be easier for her to tell me everything. That was the moment that I first gained her trust she told me of what happened, I can really tell that She loved that boy cause she was crying. I told her that all this things come for us to become more stronger. It is just a test So after our little chat she ended the call to settle things right and she was happy after that she appreciated what i have told her. In the recent months to come it was June school time has come. Me, also had a girlfriend but we were shaky, we always quarrel about little things when i needed somebody i can tell what i was going through it was here who was there to listen. Out of nowhere i called her and i took awhile for her to pick up the phone but nonetheless she was there for me. I told her what happened and she told me things that have made me feel better and from that we became close friends having each other when we need someone to talk to. After those moments we texted often joking almost everytime and teased each other and at one point i called her my bestfriend and she told me its "korny" then i remember something much korny (i saw it on tv) the superfriends which was all superheroes and i remember that i glad to have a wonderful friend like her and called her my wonderfriend even it was that korny she agreed.

Becoming true Wonderfriends...

After some months, we never really have communicated but still we were close friends. For me, college is coming i went to Addu to take the entrance exam and on december i went back to get my result but getting my result was not just my purpose in going there. I texted wf before i went there. (like i said it was months we had never communicated) it was a time to do some catching up. There, At Ateneo college she also had no class so it was the perfect time to go there it was 2pm. I arrived there and waited for her to meet me in the admissions office where i was going to get my result, My result took awhile for me to get it caused they were still finding it so we took the time to catch up, She was open to me as i am with her. I was shocked that time to know that she was single but i wasnt interested at her in my mind i was thinking (this is my chance, but she is my wonderfriend and i am happy to be the guy who is always there when she needs one to comfort her and the one which she can tell anything and everything about) i was having fun telling her all things that happened in my life and she never judged me for what i was doing and she simply tells me not to do that again (sweet aint she, awwe) so that time when my name was called, i let her be the one to open my result and to my surprise she said i was under probation! (i was like wtf!) then she smiled and laughed and said "joke lang uy pasa ka, uyy pasa daw" i was happy to hear that and we together laugh cause my reaction at first was like (you dont say..) at 3:10 we were still there waiting for her service to come and fetch her and me i stood beside her and waited with her together until her service came.

Just look at that kilig moment right there

Wonderfriends foooor life!

fatass! yeah, i call her that a lot. Here is a breakdown on who mika really is for me.
-and the best trait i like about her is that she never judges people for what they do :)
-and lastly fat :))
Eat lang wf, dont be shy :))

just kidding about the fat tease :))

Even though dont really meet always (we just been together thrice) well it was all memorable though!
First time would be, that time in Addu when we were having a bonding (chikka minute) 

Second time would be, at the emcor gym! oh boy that was fun! i'd like to share this with you people. I was there just to see my school (smad) and my cousin Angel in there cheerdance competition it was a fun and entertaining dance face off. wf was also there to watch her fellow schoolmates (sakya)(dchs) after the dance, i texted her to stay there and we could have a little chat but unfortunately she was with her little brother and father but they still stayed cause her little brother wanted to watch a basketball gaming that was coming up next. so they sat at the front part at the back of the ring there where a block which can people can seat. I was searching for mika and suddenly i saw her and began to go closer to her i was so dumb, i didnt read her text that She was with her dad, (yeah, Dafuq i do) but that didnt stop me, i sat besider her while her lil bro and dad also was at the other side. We talked but not really talk talk, cause we were laughing cause of the fact that her dad and bro is beside us and she think i was really stupid coming there but my doing wasnt really that bad, I chatted to her little bro since i am also a basketball player and his brother is interested in basketball we both have something to talk about i was joking around i told his brother i am gonna give him my shoes (kids really believe what you say) Also her cousin arrived, Issa sy. I know issa cause she is my schoolmate then Wf's father started paying attention to me and i was like (omg i am so going to get it) but i turned out fine her father laughed about my jokes and his lil bro was having a fun time talking to me so eventually it all turned up fine.

Third time This time we participated in a funrun! I woke up at 3am because wf called me on my phone it was like an fvckng alarm but then she said i should get ready and go there already at davao christian (that was the meeting place and starting point) by that time we were texting where to meet up but unfortunately she was with her mother and we had a hard timing finding a way to see each other but luck comes around when her mother was a 10k participant (yeah we entered 5k, zzz) after that her cousin arrived, issa was with us and we started talking about things until 5pm it started at first we ran but then wf shoelace got untied so we three stopped and waited for her then again we ran and as expected wf started to walk we were teasing her that she is soo slooooooww and got no energy to run even for 5meters straight :)) we reached mcdo bajada wf still gasping for air wanted to go to mcdo then i told her we will go to mcdo when i reach the turning point she agreed and then we tried to run again but wf oxygen wont allow. we started walking and there was water on pitstops wf got one and suddenly sprayed us with that ice water! we looked like kids out there in the fun run, we throwed and sprayed the ice water to the three of us. (i was so like, omg people are starring at us, this should stop) but nooo, it was fun. still running not to get wet, we didnt realize that we were the last persons in the 5k run and we arrived at the turning point (atlast!) after that continued our Water fight, We really had fun that time and we were almost back, we reached mcdo again an d it was so generous of me to buy them burgers (actually i bought 2 and they both shared on 1 burger while the other is mine) after that, i was like wtf why did we eat mcdo, pitstop? pitstop? :)) HAHAH but that was fun though you'll never see someone who is participating in a funrun and suddenly takes a detour to eat at mcdo. so after that we finished the run and parted ways.

Remember that lil bro i told you about? thats him, and there's that
loving sister which is also my wonderfriend

As i conclude this article i wrote, i can proudly say that i am lucky to have a Close friend on which i can tell anything and everything. Thank you for everything wf! keep smiling and keeping eating for you really are a true WonderFriend :)

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