
Friday, April 6, 2012

Tech on the move


What comes out from your mind when you here technology? iphone?ipod?cellphone?xbox?playstation?laptops?

Yeah if your thinking like that then your thinking right! But what really is technology?

According to a reliable source,
wikipedia *cough
Technology is the making, usage, and knowledge of tools, machines, techniques, crafts, systems or methods of organization in order to solve a problem or perform a specific function. It can also refer to the collection of such tools, machinery, and procedures. Technologies significantly affect human as well as other animal species' ability to control and adapt to their natural environments.

Frankly i'd say its a too geeky explanation. How about you put it like this.
Without Technology, the world will take years to become fully developed
Am i right? or am i correct? either way, we all have our own opinions so basically there is no right or wrong.

Now let me take you up to speed, by showing you the latest trend in Technology

  •  Iphone
  • Mac(still a computer, just branded by apple)
  • PC
  • Laptop
  • Ultrabook
  • Tablet pc
  • gaming consoles(ps3,xbox360)
  • gaming handheld
  • Cellphones

So basically we can say that we need this in our life right? but this things as we all know are expensive. This are not really what we call technology. There are what we call the product of technology. You get it? From these gadgets there are what we call, components for example, On a Pc. You have a monitor,mouse,keyboard and Cpu. The Cpu now is not just One thing it is composed of  again what we call parts, or say computer parts namely. 

  • Motherboard or MoBo
  • Graphics card or Gpu
  • Processor or Cpu
  • Power Supply
  • Ram
  • Case
  • Dvd/bluray or optical drive
  • Harddrive
A pc cant be called a pc if it does not have the parts listed above, Each part listed above have its own function. Alright for example, the Motherboard. The motherboard is the central board. Here we put everything from ram,cpu,gpu. So without it there would be no place we can assemble our pc! 

Like i said, Each has a corresponding function. For Example. The Gpu or should we say the graphics card is responsible in Determining if it can Play the Graphic demanding games. Pc games always depend on the Gpu of the Pc. You would be now wondering what does the Cpu does? Cpu does the calculations needed to be done. It determines How was your Computer can go or how fast it can comprehend what you throw at it. Now, The Ram should we say, Random access memory. It is the Memory on which some data is being processed Many people think that Higher ram means your pc is much good. THINK AGAIN. THE ANSWER IS NO. Games depends on the graphics card and the ram is only the memory on which data can be read there. Also the Hard drive this is where data is stored. Now in the modern times, Hard drive can reach upto 1.5gb or 3gb but there are much more bigger capacity these are just examples. 

Cool that shitdown with liquid nitrogen

Moving on...

Back to the topic at hand, Technology is money for some people, For companies like Intel, Amd, Apple, Sony, Nvdia and etc These companies are do there best to research about getting us new products. In doing so They increase there knowledge by Researching on how to Upgrade there current technology. Right now, Technology isn't made from nothing but it is now Innovated from the past technology, (who says we cant learn from our past) so right now many more gadgets are being developed with the use of technology. All technology based companies try to there best to make the other look inferior right now just like what intel is doing. Processors made Amd are now match for the intel i7 series and if ever Amd will lose they might quit the market and a Processor monopoly might happen on which intel can dictate what price they want for they are the sole company making chips like that. but nonetheless it'll never happen. Amd got ahead in the Laptop   department. while intel is focusing on making there chips fast and small.


Recognize this?

Tablet pc, powered by andriod


Xbox 360

Playstation Vita

These are the few of what we call, gaming consoles tablets may not count but still it has games.
Some people might think these are the best gaming console out there but what they dont know, xbox 720 and ps4 are in the works already. Technology will replace and always will be ahead of us that makes our economy moving. Even Ipad 3 is going out and Iphone 5 is in the development are have you heard about the 41 megapixel cellphone? then you have a lot of catching up to do! but know this. Technology is always 3 steps ahead of us! and its better off like that.

Read here about the ps4 and xbox 360 click This

So technically without this things we wont be as much as productive right now. Technology is not a gift from God it is us who have thought of this. God provided us with a brain. We should use it to make our place fun 
to live in.

Here are some changes in technology in the past decade...

Internet for All – Ten years ago many offices in need of dedicated Internet resources or wide area networks were dependent on expensive leased lines or slightly cheaper ISDN (integrated services digital network) lines. Broadband Internet was not widely available and was often quite restricted by Internet service providers (or ISPs). After a couple of years, however, broadband technology rapidly began to replace dial-up connections and leased lines in the home and office

Free Phone Calls – Over the past 10 years, these same cheap and fast Internet connections, along with a technology called VOIP (voice over Internet protocol), have emerged to all but destroy the old way in which telephone calls are placed. Using the Internet to make phone calls has become by far the cheapest way to talk to others around the world

Free Software – The past decade has seen the rise of the free software movement, with software made absolutely for free and in the name of freedom. From Web servers running Linux and Apache to free office software such as Open Office and Star Office, there is no doubt that the free software movement has helped to change the world and the way we do business.

Sharing Media – There are generally two ways of transferring information between users: either over a network of some kind or on some sort of physical, portable media such as a disk. Ten years ago, CDs and floppy disks were the most readily available types of removable media, and the fastest corporate LANs (or local area networks) operated at between 10 and 100 megabits per second. Transferring very large files over the Internet was something only done by those with expensive, high-speed Internet connections. Things have changed a lot. Writeable DVDs became just as cheap as CDs, floppy disks have become almost extinct and everybody has a large-capacity USB thumb drive kicking around. Very small, portable hard disks are now a dime a dozen and can store the same amount of data, if not more, than a decade-old file server which would have cost a small fortune.

The Demise of Regular TV – Over the last decade TV has also gone through some serious changes. First, the birth of TV on demand: cable and satellite TV networks now offer an assortment of programs that you can watch at the click of a button without waiting for a rerun. Services like YouTube, Vimeo and Dailymotion have made it possible for everyone to have 15 minutes of fame,

Social Networks – The last five years have seen the rise of the social network. This phenomenon takes elements of the old Geocities personal home page discussion forums, blogs and the sophisticated profiling elements of dating sites, mashes them together and produces a place where people can advertise their social lives, reconnect with friends and organise events. Social networking has rapidly become an undeniable part of everyday life, and you will be hard pressed to find someone who doesn’t have a Facebook account. Even my dad has one!

Here's a quick look of how technology Looked like in the past.. A little blast to the past wouldn't hurt

1962 -Computer Mouse

1969 -Automated Teller Machine

1973 -Cellphone

1979 -Sony Walkman


1973 -MRI

1978 -GPS 



You don't recognize this things don't you? How about this one at the bottom? YES?

Technology is power

Right now the World is changing fast and we need to keep up but not by buying but by knowing what new stuff are there. In not saying that you should always check it out what i mean is that i wouldn't hurt to know what happening around you doesn't it? So with this little knowledge i have shared i hope you all are gonna widen your minds and think that our future will be cooler!

oh, my buildings. lovely.

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