
Friday, April 6, 2012

The Most dangerous man on earth

(i dedicate this to my fellow batbro robert te)

Batman, Caped crusader, The Dark knight, 
For starters, Batman is a fictional character, a comic book superhero co-created by artist Bob Kane and writer Bill Finger and published by DC Comics

So moving on, This is my second post in my blog, This would be a character study on Batman, Many people think that batman is just a guy who wears a mask and dresses like a flying rat at night to scare people who commit crime.. In a way yes you could say that, but It is not just like that. Lets go deeper about batman shall we..

Alright, basic facts to help you relate on what shit im talking about here.

Real name: Bruce Wayne

1. Genius-level intelligence
2. Master detective
3. Master escapologist
4. Peak human physical condition
5. Master martial artist
6. Access to high tech equipment


§ Bruce's birthday is February 19th
§ Batman does not drink alcohol
§ Batman's online screenname is JonDoe297
§ has listed Bruce Wayne as #8 on its list of fifteen wealthiest fictional characters, with a net worth of U.S 6.5 Billion
§ Batman will not kill because it would make him no better than the criminals he defeats. For the Joker in particular he has come to terms with the fact that the Joker doesn't deserve death but deserves to suffer for the crimes he's committed and death would be an "act of mercy".

I know everybody are waiting to know about Batman's famous gadget. He's utility belt. so here it is..

gadets and all

§ Infrared flashlight

§ Infrared ordnance

§ Smoke capsules

§ Fingerprint analysis kit

§ Forensic analysis kit

§ First aid kit

§ Lockpicking tools

§ Kryptonite ring

§ Tear gas pellets

§ Micro-processor power source

§ Micro-recorder (updated regularly)

§ Batline spool + grappling gun

§ Miniature Laser torch

§ Bat-shaped handcuffs

§ Various incendiary capsules (including plastique and thermite)

§ Rebreather and gas mask

§ Tracker

§ Cryo capsule

§ Sedatives

§ Toxin illusion of death

§ Mini explosives

§ Light Grenades

§ Anti fire foam

§ Grenades iron filings

§ Silver nitrate

§ Ultrasonic transmitter (to attract bats)


Also i know you people are wondering how Batman get around the city so here are some of his method's of transportation


The Batmobile is Batman's automobile and primary mode of transportation. It has appeared in almost every Batman iteration, including comics, movies, and television

shit can fly!


The Batcycle is the motorcycle counterpart to the Batmobile. TheBatcycle is the personal motorcycle of Batman. In the comic book universe, Batman's personal Batcycle is a modified street-bike with a 786 cc liquid-cooled V-4 engine. It contains a computer-controlled carburetor and bulletproof wind-guard.
Coolest bike to date


The Batplane is Batman's personal aircraft. He sometimes travels with it as an alternative to the Batmobile.

Mach 3 top speed


The Batboat is Batman's personal watercraft. At times the Dark Knight has to take to the waters. Using a Catamaran type boat, the Batboat can reach speeds of up to 120mph standard.

Can go underwater babyy


Batman, in most of his incarnations, is a dark and grim hero with a personal vendetta against criminals. Traumatized by the death of his parents, Batman has sworn to rid Gotham from the criminal elements that took his parents from him. He is very paranoid and obsessive, which often makes it difficult for him to trust people other than Alfred, the Robins or the Batgirls.

Despite this, Batman has proved to have a great love for humanity, which was instilled by his parents. His father was a doctor, while his mother was a crusader against child abuse. Indeed, Batman's oath of vengeance is tempered with the greater ideal of justice. He refrains from killing, as he feels this would not make him any better than the criminals he fights.

To protect his secret identity, Batman has constructed a fake persona he can use in his civilian identity. To the world at large, Bruce Wayne is a self-absorbed, irresponsible playboy and philanthropist. Only his closest allies know that this attitude is just an act.

Quest to know the dark knight...

Again,BATMAN HAS NO SPECIAL POWERS INSTEAD Batman character relies on "his own scientific knowledge, detective skills, and athletic prowess.

Dodge does bullets! you aint bulletproof you know

Alright done with the facts, lets go on with the story. Batman or should we say Bruce haven't become a kid at 8 years old. A awful event happened that shaped the path of batman. After watching His favorite movie "the masked of Zorro" while going home, They ran to a mugger and wanted to steal from them but he's father tried to protect them but ended up dead and also her mother was gunned down both died infront of the young Bruce. After that the mugger named Joe Chill had played a large role in the creation of batman. Fallen to depression young Bruce was lonely and ended up at the care of there family butler Alfred Pennyworth. Alfred became a father figure for young Bruce in his early life. Reaching the age of 10 Bruce excels at school at graduated college in an early age studied criminology,applied physics, medicine and many more. Through his younger years Bruce traveled around the world to become a man who will be powerful enough that can stop the crimes happening in his city, Gotham city. Training under the best. Almost 24 years of age, Returning to Gotham he tried to stop crime on his own but failed. He was not yet ready inspite of every training he has done He then realize criminals are superstitious and cowardly lot. so he decided to dress like a bat. Many people ask this..

Why of all animals he chose a bat?.. simple! When batman was still a child, He is scared of bats. Having conquered his own fear. He is know ready 

 To scare criminals and other people. Fear is one of batman's asset. It is the most important thing on his crime fighting. But then begs the question.. What happens to those who dont fear him? From the likes of super powered beings and aliens but how does really batman do it to make him successful hero.

1v100, Batman is trained to take down 500  

Now the fun part..   every hero needs a super villain or what we call arch nemesis right? so i now introduce you the joker folks! I know you've heard of him, that green haired grinning gargoyle yeah with that chalk white skin and Glasgow smile! He is batman's Exact opposite! like a yin and yang sort of thing. Without batman, there would be no joker. but joker is just out there cause he maintains what he calls there balance of good and evil but joker had killed some of batman's friends and crippled some too Batman will never kill joker for the (read the facts stated above for the reason) the joker has also given up on some occasions on which he can possibly kill batman. Here are a few examples..

  • In "The Clown at Midnight" (featured in Batman #663), the Joker states to Batman, "You can't kill me without becoming like me. I can't kill you without losing the only human being who can keep up with me. Isn't it ironic?!" The Joker says later, "I could never kill you. Where would the act be without my straight man?"
  • In "Going Sane" (featured in Legends of the Dark Knight # 65-68), the Joker lures Batman into a trap that he believes kills his arch nemesis. Batman's apparent death snaps the Joker back to sanity and prompts him to undergo plastic surgery in order to look like a normal human being. The Joker attempts to lead a normal, honest life, donning the name Joseph Kerr (a pun on his criminal moniker) and engaging in a small romance with a neighbor. Normality does not last for the Joker, however, as he later discovers Batman to be alive, which drives him to insanity. The Joker then mutilates himself in order to restore his trademark white skin, green hair, and crimson lips, and resumes his quest to destroy Batman.
  • In another issue, the Joker threatens to kill crime boss Rupert Thorne if he uncovers Batman's secret identity. Thorne has Hugo Strange discover Batman's identity, but, when Strange refuses to tell him who Batman is, has him killed. The Joker, who is also bidding for Batman's identity alongside The Penguin, tells Thorne he was lucky Strange took whatever secrets he held with him to the grave; he explains that he is destined to defeat Batman in a manner worthy of his criminal reputation, and that no one else has the right.
  • In Emperor Joker, although the Joker uses his new god-like powers to torture Batman to death night after night, he still cannot erase his foe from existence. Superman states that this is because the Joker totally defines himself by his opposition to the Dark Knight, and how the Joker lives in Batman's world rather than Batman living in the Joker's.
  • In the movie Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker, Terry McGinnis, the successor to the mantle of Dark Knight, says to the Joker that the only real reason he keeps coming back is because he never got a laugh out of the original Batman.
  • In the film The Dark Knight, after his apparent defeat, the Joker remarks that Batman "won't kill me out of some misplaced sense of self-righteousness, and I won't kill you, because you're just too much fun. I think you and I are destined to do this forever."
  • In Batman: The Dark Knight Returns, a catatonic Joker becomes animated only after seeing a police report that Batman has returned to action, setting in motion a final confrontation where the Joker breaks his own neck to frame Batman for murder.
  • In "The Laughing Bat" (Featured in "The Batman" season 2 episode 4), Joker remarks that "the batman needs a Joker. Someone who gives him purpose", afterwards referring to Batman as his "old friend".
  • In Batman Cacophony Joker (temporarily sane) tells Batman he wants to kill him. He explains that if he kills Batman he will surrender to the police and give up crime. Batman later tells Alfred The clown won't stop until one of us is dead. Joker states to Batman I don't hate you because I'm crazy. I'm crazy because I hate you

4 incarnations of joker

For me, It is his will. To never back out in any fight. Even if he is challenged by superman it doesn't matter. Batman is prepared for anything and everything. That is what make's him the successful hero he is. Batman, believe it or not can Take down the whole justice league if he has to.

Oh wait, He just did 

Even superman admits that batman maybe is superior to him but still he's a man of steel and batman is still just a man but superman had this to say

Sometimes, I admit, I think of Bruce as a man in a costume. Then, with some gadget from his utility belt, he reminds me that he has an extraordinarily inventive mind. And how lucky I am to be able to call on him

take that! super-what now

Like we all know, batman aint that strong, cause at one point all Human are gonna die but batman faced death itself and lived again.

Im a ballerina

Batman is trained to he's physical limit, Batman has been challenge by many people from strong organizations to super powered beings. What makes him my Idol is that He have nothing but himself to rely on but still come's victorious. It just goes to show that we all can be a great person if we believe and trust in ourselves that we can do it. We just have to train ourselves to what we want to do and strive hard to achieve what we want to achieve and thats the secret to Batman's success

And here i am, with im suit on and without my mask, damn

So with all of this being written and done, i hope i have convinced some of you people in reading this or i had reignited your interest in this comic character.. to try out in reading the batman comics

I took the liberty of uploading one, Here is a sample of batman comics the new one if your interested just download it Click THIS

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